Hear the roar of big engines fill the sky! Throughout the summer, you can check out these motorized events in the area.
Hear the roar of big engines fill the sky! Throughout the summer, you can check out these motorized events in the area.
Tap, Know & Go! is an information source that helps visitors to Fort St. John navigate the city and surrounding areas. This project is funded by the City of Fort St. John and produced by Tourism Fort St. John. For more information about Fort St. John visit www.fortstjohn.ca
Environment Canada
BC Road Conditions
250-562-0432 | www.drivebc.ca
BC Parks
1-800-689-9025 | www.env.gov.ca/bcparks
Spring/Summer (May - August)
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 9:00am - 6:00pm
9324 96 Street (Inside Pomeroy Sport Centre)
250-785-3033 or 1-877-785-6037